Saturday, August 05, 2006

The power of FeedBurner

We all know what FeedBurner is, but if you dont let me introduce it to you. FeedBurner is the largest and most popular feed management provider int he world. They help bloggers, podcasters and web publishers promote themselves and their content on the web.

FeedBurner also offers a large advertising network for feeds. If you use it in your blog it can help you to increase your traffic and your feed subscribers. Let me give you a brief review about FeedBurner for blogs. For all those bloggers that want to successfully promote their blog it is not enough just to publish posts and feeds (a feed is the format that allows your content to be delivered on the web to all subscribers) they need something more powerful. With FeedBurner you can also analize your traffic with their "Readers Tracking Tool", you can also track your most readed articles and posts to see which content is hot for your readers in your blog.

When you analize your traffic with FeedBurner you can learn how many subscribers you have and where they´re coming from and what they like more. Make your content available for everyone and increase your presence. Remember that traffic increases your income. Burn your feed.

Posted by George C. at 10:43 AM

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